Sunday, June 20, 2010

SCID Personality Test

Hey! I've taken this test from
This is called the SCID Personality Test, or some call it DISC test.

I think it's kinda cool ya know! It's really fun. Take it and share your results among your friends, family or even your spouses! You'll definitely get to know each other a little bit more and you'll get to know the average gauge where you stand.

S: Steadiness (submission in Marston's time) – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness.

C: Conscientiousness (or caution, compliance in Marston's time) – relating to structure and organization

I: Influence – relating to social situations and communication

D: Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness

I'm more of a 'S' person if I were to compare with both 'Natural Behavior' and 'Adaptive Behavior'.

High "S" individuals are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. – Wikipedia

So true! I am always like that huh! Hmm, so the next in line is 'C'.

"C" people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful.

"I" scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic.

Low "D" scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful. – Wikipedia

So I'm a "S-C", Steady-Conscientious person. Someone that is calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, stable, consistent, neat, cautious, tactful, diplomatic. I tend to be emotional some time but not all the time. And I am undemanding, cautious, mild, modest and peaceful.

Fun eh?

1 comment:

Jessica Northey said...

where did you get those results from? I scored a high D. Not sure if my results are right.