Saturday, June 26, 2010

1st Death Anniversary

Yup! Today's the first death anniversary of Michael Jackson – the King of Pop.
Here is how he look like in the year I was born(1990)!

I love his military style jacket! I wish I can have my own military style jackets! I hope I would be able to get my very own THIS IS IT Blu Ray! I haven't gotten it yet.

Sigh, MJ is sucha great guy. In that picture above, he was awarded the 'Good Scout Humanitarian' award. Whatever the controversies and rumors are, I believe that Michael is a good father, humanitarian, lover of the world's children, great musician, great dancer.

I would always listen to his music whenever I feel tired and I have to do my work. I would stand up and dance along his music! (Yes I know, YOU dance?! Yes I do!)

A year ago, on this exact date, I woke up with smses telling me that my favorite pop icon is dead. Sad? Kinda. I do feel disappointed and what a waste. A music legend passed.
No doubt Michael Jackson is one of the greatest phenomenon in the music and dance industry. But often people forgot how much humanitarian works he has done for the orphanage and sick children all over the world. I would want to be a humanitarian, that helps all the children of the world some day.

If I were to be able to see Michael Jackson face to face, I think I will never say anything. I would just give him a hug and smile at him. I think that hugs are just awesome. No matter the language barriers or limited vocabulary, hugging someone would definitely show your love for that person, be it friends, family, spouse or even a total stranger.

I wish Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (Prince), Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket) all the best for their own childhood and the future to come.

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